Module show_notes::e029

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I’m Out to C

  • Date: April 3, 2019
  • Subject: Using Rust’s Foreign Function Interface (FFI) with C!
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§Show Notes

The code samples here directly match the things I described in the show, so you will likely want to look at add and ffi::add, then Point, translate, and ffi::translate in that order.

Other helpful Rust FFI discussions:


Thanks to Manning for sponsoring the show and giving all of you a 40%-off discount on their whole store (but especially Carol Nichols’ and Jake Goulding’s Rust in Motion video content and the Rust in Action MEAP!) at

§Patreon Sponsors

(Thanks to the couple people donating who opted out of the reward tier, as well. You know who you are!)

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  • ffi 🔒
    The module with all the unsafe code in it! You’ll want to poke at this!


  • An example of a slightly more complex data structure we can use with FFI.
  • e029: I’m Out To C


  • A safe interface for the unsafe ffi::add.
  • A safe interface for the unsafe ffi::translate function.