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//! Allocate it where?
//! - **Date:** November 8, 2015
//! - **Subject:** Returning functions from other functions, and thinking
//! about the stack, the heap, and reference types.
//! - [**Audio**][mp3]
//! [mp3]: https://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/cdn.newrustacean.com/file/newrustacean/e005.mp3
//! <audio style="width: 100%" title="Allocate it where?" controls preload=metadata src="https://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/cdn.newrustacean.com/file/newrustacean/e005.mp3"></audio>
//! # Notes
//! This episode, we look at returning functions from other functions, and as
//! part of that discuss some basics about the stack and the heap---and why we
//! need to care about them for returning functions.
//! The functions themselves are not especially interesting; they just show you
//! the basic form you use to return functions from other functions, and how to
//! then use them in another function. You'll want to take a detailed look
//! instead at the documentation for each (or just read the [source][notes-1]!),
//! because that's where the meat of the discussion in this week's code is.
//! ## Corrigenda
//! - Steve Klabnik [pointed out][notes-2] that my description of `Vector`
//! types as totally heap-allocated was misleading. It's better to say that
//! the *contents* of the `Vector` -- its data -- is heap-allocated, while
//! the memory for the smart pointer and associated metadata are allocated
//! on the stack. I had this in mind, and sort of alluded to it earlier in
//! the discussion, but the way I actually said it was misleading at best.
//! - Chad Sharp (@crossroads1112 on GitHub) [clarified][notes-3] that in C99,
//! C *does* support dynamic array allocation, though it became optional for
//! compilers to implement it as of C11. I forgot about this because I spend
//! so much of my time dealing with Visual C++, which does not support
//! dynamic array allocation. (Notably, Visual C does; it is Visual C++
//! which does not: remember, C and C++ are related but distinct languages.)
//! Thanks to Steve and Chad for their helpful feedback!
//! [notes-1]: /src/show_notes/e005.rs.html
//! [notes-2]: https://users.rust-lang.org/t/new-rustacean-podcast-e005-allocate-it-where-2015-11-08/3153/13?u=chriskrycho
//! [notes-3]: https://github.com/chriskrycho/newrustacean.com/issues/7
//! # Links
//! - [Rust 1.4 release announcement][links-1]
//! - ["Clarify (and improve) rules for projections and well-formedness"][links-2]
//! - [MSVC support tracking issue][links-3]
//! - [Rust 1.4 full release notes][links-4]
//! - ["What and where are the stack and the heap?"][links-5]
//! [links-1]: http://blog.rust-lang.org/2015/10/29/Rust-1.4.html
//! [links-2]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/1214-projections-lifetimes-and-wf.md
//! [links-3]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/issues/1061
//! [links-4]: https://github.com/brson/rust/blob/relnotes/RELEASES.md
//! [links-5]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/79923/what-and-where-are-the-stack-and-heap
//! # Sponsors
//! - reddraggone9
//! - [Chris Patti][sponsors-1]
//! [sponsors-1]: http://podcastinit.com
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//! - Chris Krycho
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//! + App.net: [@chriskrycho](https://alpha.app.net/chriskrycho)
/// Creates a function which doubles an integer.
/// Note that it doesn't have `Fn(i32) -> i32` as its return type, but rather
/// `Box<Fn(i32) -> i32`. At present, functions have to be explicitly
/// heap-allocated. If we tried to return just a `Fn` type, we'd end up in a
/// tangled mess of lifetime and ownership (whether with a regular function, as
/// here, or a closure as in `doubler_closure_factory`).
pub fn doubler_factory() -> Box<dyn Fn(i32) -> i32> {
/// The doubler function we will return.
fn double(n: i32) -> i32 {
n * 2
/// Creates a closure which doubles an integer.
/// Compare with the function above: this is basically identical to
/// `doubler_factory`, the only difference being that in this case, we return a
/// closure rather than a standalone function. That has substantial
/// ramifications for using closures and named functions, of course; refer to
/// the discussion in [e004][e004] for details
/// [e004]: /show_notes/e004/
pub fn doubler_closure_factory() -> Box<dyn Fn(i32) -> i32> {
// We could also write this as `Box::new(|n| n * 2)`, of course.
let doubler = |n| n * 2;
/// Uses the `doubler_factory` to get a function which doubles a number.
/// By contrast, here's a function which simply won't compile:
/// ```rust,ignore
/// fn will_not_compile() -> Fn(i32) {
/// let a_closure = |n| println!("Seriously. This won't compile. {}", n);
/// a_closure
/// }
/// ```
/// And another. This gets us a bit closer, because you actually have both a
/// concrete reference type and a lifetime. However, it still won't compile,
/// because after `get_normal_function_with_lifetime` ends, the function goes
/// out of scope and the reference points to junk value.
/// ```rust,ignore
/// fn get_normal_function_with_lifetime() -> &'static (Fn(i32) -> i32) {
/// fn multiply_by_3(n: i32) -> i32 {
/// n * 3
/// }
/// return &multiply_by_3;
/// }
/// ```
/// Even this approach doesn't work, because although the *function* lives on
/// past the end of the `get_normal_external_fn_with_lifetime`, the reference
/// created during that function call *doesn't*.
/// ```rust,ignore
/// fn multiply_by_4(n: i32) -> i32 { n * 4 }
/// fn get_normal_external_fn_with_lifetime() -> &'static (Fn(i32) -> i32) {
/// &multiply_by_4
/// }
/// ```
/// The solution, as we saw at the beginning, is to use `Box::new` to
/// heap-allocate the function result instead.
pub fn demonstrate_function_returns() {
let double = doubler_factory();
println!("{:}", double(14));