Struct show_notes::e030::Script

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pub struct Script;
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§e030: Can You See Me Now?

Hello, I’m Chris Krycho and this is New Rustacean: a show about the Rust programming language and the people who use it. This is e030: Can You See Me Now?

Manning is back sponsoring the show this episode! This time around they have a discount on some Rust-adjacent materials—about one of my favorite things Rust excels at: WebAssembly. Manning has a book in their Early Access Preview period, WebAssembly in Action, which takes a deep dive into the language itself. This is not Rust-specific content: what it is instead is content that would be super helpful if you want to contribute actively to the development of Rust’s support for WebAssembly, or just want a deeper dive into wasm than I gave in my own episode on the subject. I’ve linked it in the show notes, and don’t forget that you can use the code newrustacean40 at checkout to get 40% off on anything at Manning—including this WebAssembly book, all their Rust materials, and everything else they sell! Thanks so much to Manning for sponsoring the show once again!


This is not the next episode I originally had planned—that one is coming in the next week or so. In the midst of working on e029, I started to put together a discussion of the idea of visibility in Rust, and then cut it for time. However, I realized it’s an important feature of the language that I’ve never covered, and it’s worth incorporating into its own episode.

So: what is visibility, and why do we care? Visibility is the answer to the question: who can see this item? An “item”, here, is:

  • a module,
  • a function,
  • a trait,
  • an enum,
  • a struct,
  • a struct field,
  • or a (non-trait) method

As for why we care: it turns out that having control over who can see any given item can be a really important factor in our API design. Things we expose publicly become part of our versioning story, and good and careful use of semantic versioning is a way we serve our library consumers.

When Rust first hit 1.0, it only had two levels of visibility: pub and not pub. In 2016, with RFC #1422, however, Rust got a bunch of new tools for controlling item visibility, and I think it’s worth understanding both how those tools work and how we can use them effectively.

§The modifiers

There are 3 top-level kinds of visibility:

  • the default, of not-public, which means the item is visible only within its own module and its child modules;
  • pub, meaning the item is fully visible to all consumers of the crate who can see the path to the item;
  • and pub(<restricted>), where the item is visible to some restricted range. There are also 3 variants of restricted:
    • crate, written pub(crate), which means the item is visible everywhere in the crate but is not visible outside the crate
    • super, written pub(super), which means what you’d expect: the item is visible to the parent module but nowhere else
    • in <path>, written like pub(in module_a::module_b) where module_b is a submodule of module_a. Note that the path here can only include direct parents of the module where the restrict is written.

The first two are the two that were always there. The restricted variants are what landed in 2016, and they’re mostly what makes this conversation interesting! I’m going to talk through these and how we can use them effectively, but you should also take a look at the show notes source, where I’ve included a very detailed sample showing how all the different visibility markers interact.

§Traditional pub

Now, let’s start talking about plain pub for a minute, because understanding pub clearly will help us make sure we understand pub(<restricted>) better—I actually had to read the relevant section of the reference and play with things a bit myself to get 100% clear here!

As I said a minute ago, pub on an item means that item is fully visible to all consumers of the crate who can see the path to the item. That distinction is really important, though! It’s not that putting pub an item makes it visible regardless of other modifiers. It’s that it makes it visible given the constraints of other relevant visibility modifiers.

Let’s imagine we have a crate which has two modules in the root; we’ll call them left and right. If both of those are pub, they’re visible both to each other and to other crates which reference this crate. If left has a child named public_child which has the pub modifier on it, then left::public_child is also visible everywhere in the crate and to all outside consumers. If left has a child named private_child which does not have any modifier at all, it is not visible outside left at all. Now, if left had a sub-module named child, then items inside left::child could still see private_child: child modules can always see the items in their parent modules.

Sibling modules do not have that characteristic, though. From inside our right module, we can see left::public_child because both left and public_child are marked as pub—but we can’t see anything inside left that isn’t marked as pub. We could work around this by restructuring our crate… but that really isn’t optimal, especially if you structure your modules around data types the way I talked about back in episode 20.

This limitation isn’t necessarily a huge deal for designing a binary application. However, it’s really annoying for library design. We want to be able to design our public APIs carefully, so that we only expose to consumers the things they can actually depend on… in part so that we can evolve the internals of our libraries while maintaining those external invariants. Having to make breaking changes all the time or come up with workaround hacks for where we put our internal-only-but-shared-throughout-the-codebase kinds of types and functions is a not-great tradeoff. This is where the pub(<restricted>) tooling comes in!


The pub(<restricted>) family of specifiers lets us get much more granular about the level of visibility any given item has, and this is extremely* helpful in solving the kinds of problems I highlighted a second ago.

The most common modifier you’re going to see, I expect, is pub(crate), because it’s the most convenient: it lets you say “This item is visible everywhere that has a path to it… but only inside this crate.” This is like pub in terms of convenience, in other words, but not in terms of its impact on your public API—because things which are marked as pub(crate) are not visible outside your crate! At this point, pub(crate) is basically my default visibility for items I want to expose. Sometimes I go back later and tweak that, but I find it’s often a perfectly reasonable balance between convenience and exposure.

The most restrictive pub modifier is pub(super). This is convenient for when you have a type which you’ve extracted to its own module for name-spacing purposes, in line with the recommendation I gave back in e020, and you want it to be freely available for its parent to use but you don’t really want it exposed to the rest of the crate you’re working on.

You might be tempted, given pub(super), to think you could just chain your way up with pairs of double-colons all the way to root of a crate: pub(super::super::super::super...). After all, that is a valid way to write a path! However, that’s not a valid way of specifying visibility. pub(super) is just there as a shortcut for that one, very specific but fairly common situation of wanting to be visible in your parent module but not otherwise.

Instead, if you want to write a restriction like that, you use the pub(in <path>) form. So if you had the module path foo::bar::baz and wanted to make an item quux visible anywhere in foo, you could write that one of two ways:

  • pub(in super::super)
  • or, much more clearly, pub(in foo)

You can write pub(in ...) with any path that contains the module the item is in. However, if some module somewhere in that tree is itself not visible the rest of the way up that tree, your item will only be visible up to that point. So if we wrote pub(in foo) fn quux() {} here but the declaration of the baz module inside bar was itself not any kind of pub, foo couldn’t see quux. This gets at one of two really important points about these visibility modifiers: they specify the maximum visibility an item can have—but other modifiers (or the lack thereof) can and sometimes will limit that. You may have to adjust accordingly.

The other important thing to note here is that outer modules cannot override the visibility rules of their descendants. So with that last example, where we had the module structure foo::bar::baz and a function quux inside baz which is marked pub(in foo), foo cannot write pub use bar::baz::quux to make it publicly visible everywhere. The restriction at the point of definition sets the visibility restriction universally. That’s the flip side of the same thing I said before: a visibility modifier is the maximum visibility of an item.

§Using visibility effectively

The last thing to cover here, then, is how to use these most effectively. I covered some of this above, and I covered some related pieces back in e020, but I want to take a few here and talk through how I think about visibility modifiers and how you can use them as a tool both for external and internal consumers of your code.

First and most obvious is the point I’ve already made a couple times in this episode: pub items are exposed to your external API consumers. Whether those are internal to projects at your company, or to the broader open source software ecosystem, those are a kind of contract. When you change what’s public, that’s a version bump—a minor release, if you expose something new; or a major release, if you remove or change something which was already public. That responsibility with versioning is one reason you should always think carefully about what you mark pub, and how you expose it. Another, and equally important, though, is that your API is a way of communicating to your users. You really can help people understand and navigate their way through your code just by the shape of your API!

The way that items are exposed and the way they’re grouped and namespaced in modules shouldn’t be arbitrary, but rather a way of helping your users think the right way about your codebase. You’ve probably had the experience of looking at a library which just had a grab-bag of functions and types in it with no structure: it’s a mess and takes a long time to understand! But you’ve probably also had the experience of working through the APIs for a really carefully-designed library and thinking, “I wonder if… yeah, perfect, that’s right where I thought it would be!” or even “Oh, of course, that makes sense!” when you stumble into some new corner of it. Care in what you make pub and where you make it pub from is really valuable—so much so that you may want to use pub use statements to take items which are indeed public throughout your crate and re-export them in strategic locations, whether for convenience or just because it makes for a clearer sense of how different pieces relate to each other from the perspective of a user rather than an author of a library.

All of those points about communication hold for internal visibility, too. It’s just that you have a different audience in mind: your users, in this case, are other developers. When someone starts working their way through the codebase, it can be incredibly helpful and illuminating to see pub(crate) or pub(in some:nested::modules) as the visibility modifier for a given item.

First of all, those can tell you the number of places you might have to care about when dealing with a given type. If you’re looking at a crate with 50,000 lines of code, and you see pub(crate), you know that a refactor could end up touching thousands of lines of code. And while the Rust compiler will guide you through that, there are still important signals there: this item is probably deeply entangled with the current semantics of the system I’m looking at. That means that changes to that item are, for one thing, likely to have large ripples through the rest of the system and, for another, likely to have ended up in the shape they did for a reason. Those are useful signals in understanding a codebase!

And by the same token, if you see pub(super) on an item, you can be 100% confident that it’s not going to be used in very many places. It might still have an equally well-considered design, but changes to it are going to cause many fewer ripples and have a much smaller impact on the design of the rest of the system. Again: that’s really useful information to have! The same way that thinking about what is pub, and where it is pub, is useful for your external users, pub(<restricted>) is helpful for your internal users.

Finally, there’s one other thing you’re communicating with by way of visibility modifiers, and that’s the compiler. You can use these as a way of constraining yourself. The same way that we isolate unsafe code in unsafe blocks inside safe interfaces which maintain all the right invariants, we can use visibility modifiers to isolate certain kinds of complexity—data structures, algorithms, etc.—which are important for the rest of our codebase not to muck with. If a given piece of code needs to uphold a certain contract in order to maintain its performance characteristics, for example, you can manage with visibility modifiers just the same way you would use safe wrappers around unsafe to maintain safety characteristics.

The way you should think about visibility markers, then, is that they’re communication tools and tools for enforcing invariants. That combo means, as I’ve realized in the course of writing this episode, that while my default of using pub(crate) for convenience is fine on small projects, thinking a bit harder about which kind of modifier to use might get me a long way—especially when dealing with a larger project or one with more complex edge cases than I’ve gotten myself into so far.


I hope you also found this discussion useful, both in understanding how other codebases are structured, and in considering how you might structure your own codebase—especially how to use visibility as a tool for providing a nice experience both for maintainers of your code (including yourself!) and, if you’re a library author, for consumers of your code.

§Patreon Sponsors

Thanks as always to this month’s $10-or-more sponsors:

  • Arun Kulshreshtha
  • Matt Rudder
  • Soren Bramer Schmidt
  • Dan Abrams
  • Oluseyi Sonaiya
  • Anthony Deschamps
  • Evan Stoll
  • Nick Gideo
  • Dominic Cooney
  • Embark Studios
  • Scott Moeller
  • Benjamin Manns
  • Daniel Mason
  • Jonathan Knapp
  • Nick Stevens
  • Jeff May
  • Behnam Esfahbod
  • Johan Andersson
  • Nathan Sculli
  • James Hagans II
  • John Rudnick
  • Zach Peters
  • Chip
  • Jerome Froelich
  • Andrew Dirksen
  • Joseph Schrag
  • Brian McCallister
  • Bryan Stitt
  • Raph Levien
  • Nicolas Pochet
  • Daniel Bornkessel (April only)
  • Ryan Osial
  • Jason Bowen
  • Jako Danar
  • Michael Mc Donnell
  • Adam Green
  • Alexander Payne
  • Rob Tsuk
  • David Carroll
  • Ramon Buckland
  • Martin Heuschober
  • Peter Tillemans
  • Paul Naranja
  • Graham Wihlidal
  • Ola Fadeyi
  • Cristian Paul
  • Daniel Collin

§Show info

You can sponsor the show at or via other services listed on the show website, <>. There, you’ll also find show notes, including links to things I talk about, scripts, code samples, and interview transcripts. The notes for this episode are at <>.

Please recommend the show to others if you like it, whether in person, via your podcast directory, or in various media online! You can contact me at @chriskrycho or @newrustacean on Twitter, or by sending men an email at

Until next time, happy coding!

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl Freeze for Script


impl RefUnwindSafe for Script


impl Send for Script


impl Sync for Script


impl Unpin for Script


impl UnwindSafe for Script

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.